Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy Yoga

For almost a month now I have been working out at night with a group of ladies.  And I love it.  I hate it, but I love it.  I feel like I am taking care of my body and making an effort to appreciate what God has given me and steward his creation.

Along with these workouts, I have been trying to change my diet.  That is a tough thing to change.

But my favorite part of my new routine is the yoga.  I don't do it all the time, but I wish I did.  Our workout video (Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred) doesn't do a lot of stretching so I decided to supply my own stretching routine through yoga after the big group workout.

There are a few other girls who will do yoga with me and they are also enjoying it.  It is so nice to be relaxed and enjoying each other's company while working out and stretching and improving your tone, posture, flexibility, and breath capacity.

In particular we do this one yoga video called happy yoga. As the name implies, it is a brief video designed to boost your spirits. And it does!

So I do happy yoga with my friends and I feel happy afterwards! I have also noticed an increase in some of my flexibilities and strength! Woo!!!

One thing that I do know through this new routine is that I am highly motivated through group participation and the slight bit of competition that it brings.  If I didn't have a good group of ladies doing this with me,  I would give up and get lazy, but they keep me going.  When I slack off during the exercises, I look back and see them going strong and so I pick the pace up again! God gave us a wonderful thing in community!

Oh and I learned a new word recently: Deleterious - having a harmful or damaging effect on somebody or something.  Synonyms are harmful, poisonous, toxic, lethal, and injurious.
Not a pleasant word, but good to store away in the recesses of your brain!

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