Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Prior Engagements

Saturday afternoon Rich asked me to marry him!!! And I said yes!! And now we're engaged and planning a wedding. And getting married on October 8th. Cool.

He is the most amazing and the best man I know. God somehow got us together and is letting me spend my life with him. That's dang nifty.

He sent me this really cute activity to do and at the end when I was reading a love story about dinosaurs, he came up behind me and proposed. It felt remarkably unreal. :)

That's all I want to say about it right now.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy Yoga

For almost a month now I have been working out at night with a group of ladies.  And I love it.  I hate it, but I love it.  I feel like I am taking care of my body and making an effort to appreciate what God has given me and steward his creation.

Along with these workouts, I have been trying to change my diet.  That is a tough thing to change.

But my favorite part of my new routine is the yoga.  I don't do it all the time, but I wish I did.  Our workout video (Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred) doesn't do a lot of stretching so I decided to supply my own stretching routine through yoga after the big group workout.

There are a few other girls who will do yoga with me and they are also enjoying it.  It is so nice to be relaxed and enjoying each other's company while working out and stretching and improving your tone, posture, flexibility, and breath capacity.

In particular we do this one yoga video called happy yoga. As the name implies, it is a brief video designed to boost your spirits. And it does!

So I do happy yoga with my friends and I feel happy afterwards! I have also noticed an increase in some of my flexibilities and strength! Woo!!!

One thing that I do know through this new routine is that I am highly motivated through group participation and the slight bit of competition that it brings.  If I didn't have a good group of ladies doing this with me,  I would give up and get lazy, but they keep me going.  When I slack off during the exercises, I look back and see them going strong and so I pick the pace up again! God gave us a wonderful thing in community!

Oh and I learned a new word recently: Deleterious - having a harmful or damaging effect on somebody or something.  Synonyms are harmful, poisonous, toxic, lethal, and injurious.
Not a pleasant word, but good to store away in the recesses of your brain!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sore Bottoms

This week Rich had his wisdom teeth ripped from his mouth and I have been staying with him to care for his every need and be sure he doesn't do anything crazy from the influence of percocet. (It hasn't actually made him high or anything so he doesn't demand too much from me.)

On a random tangent, last night I was thoroughly set on making blueberry muffins from scratch rather than the box that we had here. And I totally did! And they were totally awesome! It was such a good time. Man, I love knowing that I've made something tasty and been productive. Speaking of productivity...

Whilst I've been here we've sat on our butts and watched tv and played on our computers and I've knitted.  A few things were taken care of, but they were pretty inconsequential.  I intended to read, but I haven't done much.  In addition to three days of laziness here, I've been pretty lazy since I  finished up the semester and quite frankly, I'm tired of being a bum.  I dread the hectic schedule of the year, but I am looking forward to having a purpose with my day. Now don't get me wrong, I really enjoy being able to do nothing at all for hours on end, but it starts to get to me after a while. And so I'm sitting here wondering what to do with the remaining day.

Even though I just complained about being tired of being lazy, it is really really nice to just hang out with Rich and spend good down time with him. He pretty much rocks.

Oh and here are some pictures of the great muffins!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Knitting Craziness

So I've been knitting for a bit over 2 years and I really enjoy it even though I am still pretty basic.  I mostly just knit scarves although I've expanded to hats lately.  I know that hats are knitted best with circular needles or on looms that Nicole's grandma introduced me to recently, but I had none of these tools. I've only worked with crochet hooks and that has been pretty disastrous thus far, even under Rebecca's careful tutelage. So, ever since I learned how poorly stocked my knitting bag I have wanted to expand my supply collection and thus expand my knitting prowess.  I do not, however, want to shell out cash because it's in short supply in my bank account.

Amazingly enough, my AWESOME boo, Rich and his AWESOME mom came to the rescue so I could start new cool projects. Rich had skeins of yarn for me and circular needles and Tracy bought us a set of circular looms to share. SO very cool. I made my first hat last night and it's a wee bit snug, but super cute! It even has a brim.

So I'd like to thank all those who have aided my growth as a knitter. You all rock!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Superheros and Ice Queens

Today I am unsure of what to talk about.

I could tell you about Christmas shopping and what I am learning about myself. I could tell you about my changing relationships with friends.  I could tell you about my awesome date from Friday.  I could tell you about my pee habits like Katie Cooper. But I'm not Katie, so maybe I'll stick to less interesting subjects.

This morning my hair was wet when I went outside. It was like 22 degrees and some of my hair froze.  I thought that was super nifty. What if I were an ice queen with icicle hair and snow clothes? I'd probably be evil. Think about it, wouldn't you be evil if you sported frozen water all day?  I'll stick to looking like a hippie or whatever. Cause I get to stay warm and not be mean.

Lately Rich has acquired new Spider-man comics and I have taken up reading them. I've never really been into comics, but I like them and it's cool because I get to share in something that is part of who he is. His interest in the comic world doesn't define him, but it does help me know him better because it's a part of what shaped him when he was younger and it gives me insight into his brain.  The super-hero that a fellow prefers says a lot about him.  There are things about the hero's character that attracts him and about his super-powers.  This is funny when I look at my friends and which superheros they prefer. Most of them either prefer Spider-man or Batman.
Most dudes I have talked to don't really like Superman because he's a douche bag and he has no real problems and he has a savior complex and he can always fix catastrophic problems and he's an alien (which apparently turns other people off to most alien comic ideas because they should be human) and he's pretty much unstoppable. He's almost completely invincible and his only weakness is a rock, so why is there still crime?  His costume is gay. Apparently Green Lantern also has a lot of those qualities because he's only limited by his imagination.  Mutants are pretty cool though because they are still humans who are just different.  Well, now I know of one guy who likes Superman. But that's ok. The majority doesn't.

Those are some thoughts from Corey who likes Batman and Rich who likes Spider-man.

(When I was in middle-school I had a brief affair with Wonder Woman comics due to a friends influence, but my interest was negligible. So maybe I'll check her out again and figure out what comics I like and why.)

Those are my geeky thoughts and conversations at Muddy's today. ENJOY!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


So in the past 9 days or so I have seen the movie Tangled twice.  I absolutely love it. There is a great deal of adventure and excitement and of course looooove. And it is full of happiness and growth and such.

It makes me think about my own vivaciousness and personality and what type of person I would be if I had only my own company to keep. I hope I would be cool like Rapunzel, but sadly, I think I am not.  So maybe I can work on being adventurous and satisfied with myself and being creative etc.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tripping on the Road!

This is gonna be short!

Tomorrow we head out for the National Missionary Convention. Gotta say, I'm flippin stoked.  It's super cool to see all the mission organizations and make contacts with people and worship with so many people who are passionate about cross-cultural work. For sure. Very cool.

I'm also excited for the road trip that will take us there.  I really like long car rides.  I like spending time with people.  I'm sure there will be lots of laughter and good conversations.  Maybe even some awkward good ones.

I get to walk around the missionary convention with my man. And hang out with people from his organization that I kind of know. I like hanging out with him and being included in his life. Also, he'll probably drive my car alot, which is much less stressful for moi! So amazing!

One more thing I am really anticipating is the reunion with a bunch of people I met this summer who participated in internships! My heart is very overjoyed for this. I can't really quite express it. :)