Friday, September 24, 2010

Productivity and Vampires

Tonight is Friday and I'm supposed to be working on my linguistic papers that are due in TWO days. Stinky mcstinkface.

So I am sitting in Emilie's room doing a little research and watching the Underworld movies. So good. I thoroughly enjoy vampire lore. Let me explain a little about my history with vampires. When I was a youngin, my biggest fear was vampires. (That sounds like the numbers do not agree, but the vampires are plural while the fears are not.)  After a while of not liking them one bit even though I knew they did not exist, they became my biggest fascination.

Clearly, this fascination with mythical creatures is not healthy for a young teenager. As I've added years to my life, I've realized that they have obvious demonic roots and I have started to watch my intake of things dealing with the supernatural. But I still really enjoy these movies. So I am indulging and keeping in mind their true nature.

Rich has been gracious and offered me help in research. I despise and am terrible at research. So I'm gonna work on that!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sweat of Death

This evening as I came back to my room to work diligently on my Hebrew, Becca innocuously asks me if I want to work out.  Of course I can't say no because then I just look lazy! And I don't want to be lazy! Or out of shape. So we get all changed into appropriate attire in which to torture our bodies and we head downstairs to the workout room.  Rachel joined us tonight. It was her first time.

We are working out to Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. It is shredding something. I'm not sure what yet though. Now this workout does not let you rest. It's 20 minutes of movement and body weight exercises. And my legs barely pull me up the stairs when I'm done.
But I did feel a little bit better about myself afterwards.

Aside from shredding my body, tonight Rich and I worked on a surprise for a friend. And I'm so FREAKING excited about it. Kinda like this lady....

But maybe not quite that intense. I am just excited for her. I hope it brings her joy. :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Tonight was Mattress Surfing! It was my first time participating in this glorious sport. Such a good time! There will be pictures eventually. I made a couple dangerous trips down with the mattress. Rebecca and I even rode together. Not all of the girls participated which was kinda sad. Maybe they are lame. Or just tired. I will try not to. :)

I think that I would like this sport in my life more often.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Um. Future plans and todays events.

This weekend I was able to spend some time with lovely people. I thoroughly enjoyed the time out with the girls and their mom for her birthday. Had homemade ice cream sandwiches made out of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Watched a movie. Started knitting a scarf. It should be pretty sweet! If I make time to do it. I helped lead worship at Discover at Creeds. Got to catch up with a friend and see a new baby. Had some family time; my grandparents are back at home. ummmm...

I'm pretty freaking excited for Wednesday to get here.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Feel The Burn

So the other day was Sneak Day for school! This day involves leaving campus at a ridiculously early hour of the day and cutting classes. The professors all know it will happen and usually join us later. It is always nice to have a day off of school. For this Sneak Day we went to see dolphins and ride jet skis and swim at the beach. We ate bar-b-que and played fun games and worshiped God. This was a really nice time. Except I forgot sunscreen. And I was outside. ALL Day. And now I am intensely burnt. Which is pretty unpleasant. It hurts to wear anything and lift my arms. But I'm holding out for better days! And hopefully a skin cancer free future.

Today started the World to the Word Conference. I hope people will be moved by the need for Bible Translation. So yeah, I'm hoping it will be a good weekend with lots of opened eyes.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Songs and Sorrows

Today has been an interesting one. Well, I suppose it has actually been pretty mediocre, but there have been snippets that break out of the mediocre. Or do they define mediocrity through their existence in each day?
I am trying to sound too philosophical.
Anyways. I am pretty overwhelmed with school right now. I am struggling to be motivated to do homework and it is pretty discouraging. In addition to schoolwork there are about 10 other things that I need to take care of. There are decisions to be made and relationships to be built. And there might be time, I'm just awful at managing it. So that is problematic. Of course, the problem could simply lie within my state of mind concerning all these things. I am not relying on God fully. That should be the first thing I work on.

Aside from those heavy things, Erin came into my room today and we had a chance to talk about music and chorus. I am really excited to be back in a chorus. I love being in an organized choir. I love being directed. I love learning the music. I love hearing everyone's parts. So yeah, there are a lot of things I really really like about being in this. In celebration of the joy of chorus, Erin and I watched some videos of epic songs. So good! Check it out. Look up Eric Whitacre and Cloudburst. Be amazed.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sorta Yoga

This evening as my roomie and I were preparing to do yoga, an impromptu halfsies dance party began. As we joked around we started mocking yoga and making new stances. Of course, we decided to make a video of this greatness of epic proportions. Sorta yoga.

So at 1 in the morning, we got all garbed up for this video and recorded it. I'm so happy about it right now. Don't worry, there will be more to come. The Sorta series from the girls at MACU. Tune in for sorta jazzercise, sorta dance, sorta...

Yeah, you name it, we'll do it.
 It's gonna be good.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Day with Friends

My Saturday has been filled with companionship and friends. I have been to Muddy's with Corey, Nicole, and Buddy. We went to SoHo and to Volcano for sushi. Nicole and I made buttons and repainted Lola the frog. She's quite bold and alluring with her colors now. Matt, Rob, Sassy, and Chris Amyx joined us for dinner at Pizza Hut. There has been hair cutting, massages, and Batman. Maybe I will get ice cream. A simple day, but filled with people that I enjoy. I like it. 

Tomorrow I speak of Africa to my class at church. Fun!

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Beginning

This is the beginning of my blogging days. Thank you Corey Jones for the suggestion! We shall see if becomes a regular thing.

I think I will begin by writing of my goldfish. I just acquired two this week and it made me pretty happy. I have never had fish before and as far as fish go, they are cool! Pearl and Presley are there names. But I call them PAP in honor of the school dorm in which I reside. Currently Presley, the fiery orange one, is gloob gloobing at the top of the water for air bubbles since there are no natural ones inside the "tank." I say "tank" because it is really just a vase converted into a fish home. Soon there will be a lily growing inside with them. I have also contemplated buying an algae eater so I don't have to clean the tank as often. I am that lazy.

Unfortunately, pictures of water and it's contents do not turn out very well. Especially in round containers.
Pearl is the silvery one with black on top and a tiny bit of orange in her face. Presley is the orange one doing crazy distortion things on the edge of the tank. Cool.