Monday, September 6, 2010

Songs and Sorrows

Today has been an interesting one. Well, I suppose it has actually been pretty mediocre, but there have been snippets that break out of the mediocre. Or do they define mediocrity through their existence in each day?
I am trying to sound too philosophical.
Anyways. I am pretty overwhelmed with school right now. I am struggling to be motivated to do homework and it is pretty discouraging. In addition to schoolwork there are about 10 other things that I need to take care of. There are decisions to be made and relationships to be built. And there might be time, I'm just awful at managing it. So that is problematic. Of course, the problem could simply lie within my state of mind concerning all these things. I am not relying on God fully. That should be the first thing I work on.

Aside from those heavy things, Erin came into my room today and we had a chance to talk about music and chorus. I am really excited to be back in a chorus. I love being in an organized choir. I love being directed. I love learning the music. I love hearing everyone's parts. So yeah, there are a lot of things I really really like about being in this. In celebration of the joy of chorus, Erin and I watched some videos of epic songs. So good! Check it out. Look up Eric Whitacre and Cloudburst. Be amazed.

1 comment:

  1. "Oh and Christ... be the center of our lives... be the place we fix our eyes..."

    "Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed..."

    Love you, Aimee. If you need to chill, come let me play with your hair. I'm also pretty good at organizing stuff. :-P
