Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sweat of Death

This evening as I came back to my room to work diligently on my Hebrew, Becca innocuously asks me if I want to work out.  Of course I can't say no because then I just look lazy! And I don't want to be lazy! Or out of shape. So we get all changed into appropriate attire in which to torture our bodies and we head downstairs to the workout room.  Rachel joined us tonight. It was her first time.

We are working out to Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. It is shredding something. I'm not sure what yet though. Now this workout does not let you rest. It's 20 minutes of movement and body weight exercises. And my legs barely pull me up the stairs when I'm done.
But I did feel a little bit better about myself afterwards.

Aside from shredding my body, tonight Rich and I worked on a surprise for a friend. And I'm so FREAKING excited about it. Kinda like this lady....

But maybe not quite that intense. I am just excited for her. I hope it brings her joy. :)

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