Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Old Friends. Good Talks.

Tonight a friend, Chris, came down to be there for the students of the college. We took some time to catch up on life from the past few weeks. We've both gone through some craziness. It was quite cold outside. At least for me.  I am a wimp though.  He let me put his shoes on my bare feet. That was pretty chivalrous of him.

So we just sat and talked about experiences we have recently had. He often opens my eyes to a new facet of life that I don't live in constant awareness of.  It is challenging and yet he is always encouraging. Tonight he challenged me to be strong for the people here in whatever way I can. I am going to work on that and try to not focus on myself for once. He also gives me encouraging Scriptures. I appreciate the reminders.

Tomorrow I am going to try to be aware of people's needs and how I can invest in them in a casual way rather than getting in their face with trying to help.
I also get another chance to encourage people and be a leader. Being a leader is pretty scary business for me. I'll be praying about my heart and words. God keeps putting me in strange positions. But I think He knows what He is doing. I just need to trust and rely on Him and not myself.
I have to make a short speech at a memorial service. Aside from my ineptness and wariness about this task, I am excited for what God can say through me to encourage others.

How do we truly take the focus off of ourselves and put it onto God and the people His heart longs for?

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