Friday, November 5, 2010

A Friday Flood

Today is Friday.  Friday's are glorious because they bring an end to the schedule of the week and allow for freedom and sleep and catching up on work and friends.

This Friday was no different, although it brought a little extra financial stress from the school, but it was still a glorious Friday.  Most Fridays (some Saturdays) I drive home to Virginia and spend time with people.  I had a few friends who wanted me to join their Salsa dancing fun tonight, but I declined.  I wanted to just be at home and maybe spend some time with my dad or alone and watch a movie or something.

After talking to Rich for a good long while, which was exceptionally nice as he is in Colorado and not with me, Dad said he was good to watch a movie even if he fell asleep.  The poor man works a ton and doesn't sleep nearly enough.

I tried to find a movie and we settled on 2012.  I was slightly wary of this because I dislike doomsday and all that hype. It freaks me out to tell you the truth.  But we both wanted some action/drama.

The movie was good.  There was a lot of tension for the characters involved and I was stressed out the whole time. But I enjoyed the ending. I like hope.

Now, there were certain features of this movie that really bothered me.  There was an enormous amount of water involved, usually in the form of tidal waves. Pretty much the whole earth gets flooded again and tidal waves are a key player in that happening.

Let me tell you something about myself.  I used to have nightmares about tidal waves. For reals.  Huge walls of water terrify me.  So that happened. Quite a bit.  Although, it wasn't as stressful as it could have been because they weren't REAL. But I still don't like them.

I just needed to share that part.  The rest of the movie that involved huge explosions of lava and large fissures opening in the earth's surface and parts of the world falling into the core of the earth or the ocean were also REALLY stressful.  But most especially the tidal waves.

Good night...

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